
Other publications
FRANZ LEHAR - kapelnik Carske i kraljevske mornarice u Puli (1894 - 1896)

The catalogue of the exhibition
Gajba i tić
Pokriveno i raskrito u seksualnosti Istre

The catalogue of the exhibition
La gheba e l'usel
Coperto e svelato nella sessualità in Istria

The catalogue of the exhibition
The Bird in the Bush
The Covert and the Exposed in Istria's Sexuality

The catalogue of the exhibition

Other publications
HISTRIA 7 - Godišnjak Istarskog povijesnog društva
Rivista della Società Storica Istriana // Revia Istrskega zgodovinskega društva // The Istrian Historical Society Review

Other publications
HISTRIA 6 - Godišnjak Istarskog povijesnog društva
Rivista della Società Storica Istriana // Revia Istrskega zgodovinskega društva // The Istrian Historical Society Review

The catalogue of the exhibition
SLOBODA NARODU! antifašizam u Istri
LIBERTÀ AL POPOLO! l'antifascismo in Istria

Other publications
Željko Bistrović: Mural painting in the istrian peninsula
Željko Bistrović: Wandgemälde der halbinsel Istrien

Other publications
Željko Bistrović: Zidne slike istarskog poluotoka - Dipinti murali della penisola istriana
Željko Bistrović: Dipinti murali della penisola istriana